I would love this if...
It wouldnt crash every auto-save. Seriously Square, every time a battle ends, it hangs and I have to close the app, restart the app, load the last quick-save and pray it doesnt hang after my next attempt at a battle. It also hangs on quick-saving at shops... For a company making so many mobile ports/new games, I would hope youd at least try to make sure they work properly... This game used to run just fine before the graphic/UI overhauls and your shoddy ports on Steam dont instill confidence either.
You could probably reduce the amount of pirating of your games if you released working versions of the newer ones...Ill have to go track down the old GBA versions now I guess.
P.S. I actually find the UI and graphic overhaul pretty cute and charming, the portraits during dialogue are also a nice touch. Just fix your games.
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